Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Final Countdown.

Holy freaking MOLY. 

We are just past the 30 week mark. Less than 10 weeks, ya'll. Hopefully at least 6, but less than 9? I know, I know, I can't pick and choose. I feel like the 20's flew by. Maybe because we've been traveling every. single. weekend. since April 27th. Seriously. I was in Wichita the last weekend in April for my cousin's bridal shower, May 3-5 we were in Chicago for our good friends, Brent and Amanda's beautiful, beautiful wedding. May 10th was Chase's graduation, May 11 was Mom's birthday, May 12th was Mother's day. May 17-18 we were back in Wichita for my cousin Amanda's fun wedding, May 23-27 we were in Fort Collins visiting Mark's family and celebrating his 30th birthday, and June 9th was my baby shower in Wichita, then June 15th we were in Denton for my childhood friend, Kristen's wedding to her new husband Patrick. We've been busy, busy beavers and it's nice to be back home and "grounded". Now we can focus on packing and moving to our new house....if they ever finish. Don't they know we got a bebe on the way...soon!

Here's a little preg survey. I totally slacked this pregnancy on doing stuff like this.

how far along?  30.5 weeks!
baby is the size of: A cucumber? Wtf. I haven't seen a cucumber that big! About 16 inches and 3lbs!
total weight gain: 29 week check up on 6/13/13- Up 22 lb.
maternity clothes: Yes and no. YES to pants/shorts/bottoms. 1/2 yes to tops. can still fit into some of my "long" shirts from when I was "skinny" and not pregnant.
stretch marks? Sore subject. Yes. And it feels like I'm already stretched to the max. I have no clue where another 2-3 inches and 3-5 lb is going to go!
sleep? I sleep. But it takes me a good hour to fall asleep at night. I wake up to pee once or twice, and I'm able to go back to bed, but then when Mark wakes up for work at 6:30 it's real hard to fall back to sleep.
best moment this week: The hospital tour we got at our baby class. It's so exciting and surreal to think that in less than 2 months, I'll be pushing him out of my vag in one of those rooms!
miss anything? Moscato. I used to have a tradition of having a cold cold glass of Moscato while watching The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Maybe next season.
movement? Yes! Much better this week. I can actually see my belly bounce despite having that obnoxious anterior placenta.
food cravings? Not really. BBQ sauce and lemonade. That's about it.
gender? Bebe boy.
symptoms: I'm starting to swell. It's not cute.
labor signs? None. I'd like to keep it that way for awhile, too!
anything make you sick? Nope! I haven't had any nausea since our honeymoon, thankfully. It's been 2 1/2 months nausea free! 
rings? on/off: Off mostly. It makes me so so sad. But after 3 pm, I start to swell.
belly button? in/out: It's in!
mood: I don't think I'm too moody. If anything, I'm stressed about moving. But not really any mood swings.
looking forward to: Being able to put together our nursery! Hurry up, DR Horton! You were supposed to have our house done weeks ago.

That is all... I think next, we will talk nursery!

1 comment:

  1. ew on falling asleep. takes me FOREV. cant wait to hear your nursery talk! what ive seen it looks SO SO good! i would LOVE having a new house to move in too, that is so exciting!!!! YOU ARE SO CLOSE!! i have found the 30's to go a bit slower but you will be so busy planning and with the new house now it will probably fly by for you!
    tell mr beckett i say hi :)
