Friday, June 14, 2013

new beginnings deserve a new blog.


I had another blog. But you know, times have changed. I've changed. Everything in my life has changed. I decided it was time for a fresh start.

Let's get you up to speed, shall we?

In November, Mark and I put in an offer on a new home, and after countering back and forth with the builder, they accepted!

In December we got an even bigger surprise!

Baby's estimated arrival: 8/31/2013.

On March 15th, 2013...

We found out our little peanut's gender...

On March 22nd, 2013 at our wedding rehearsal dinner, we announced Baby M's gender in front of all of our friends and family...


I had convinced myself we were having an itty bitty baby girl. All of those old wive's tales? So wrong. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. We had our girl name, and THOUGHT we had decided on Easton for a boy..but then when we actually found out we were having a boy, we decided we needed to be sure. We went on and on for hours and a few days about what we would name our kid. That's like, a huge deal. He's going to have to sign his name this name the rest of his life. He's going to have to put his name on resumes his whole life. We needed a strong, yet somewhat uncommon name that went with our last name. 

Our faves? Beckett, Carter, Easton, and Dallas. Ultimately, Beckett won. So sometime in August (hopefully August!) Little Beck will be joining our family. We could not be any more excited. So obviously these last few months have been filled with getting our selves ready to be parents!

So...after 8 months of planning, on March 23, 2013...

I married my best friend in the whole world.

It was the BEST day of my life. I know every bride says that, but really. I wish I could do it over and over and OVER again. I am so in love with my husband, and I can't wait to see how great of a father he will be.

And since our wedding, we went on our honeymoon to the Bahamas/St. Thomas and St. Marteen. I don't have many pictures of that because well, after the wedding, Beck decided he wanted to pop. So I felt similar to a beached whale and refused to be in many pictures.

I quit my job as a social worker and currently work at my family's business. Emotionally, I couldn't handle it. I came home in tears every day. This new job change is really going to work better for us as a family. I can bring B to work with me, I'm able to take off for OB appointments and for B's appointments when he comes. It's so much more laid back...and I get to see my mama and she can help me get adjusted to being a new mommy.

So..I leave you with huge pregnant self at 29 weeks. Looking so tired. SO, so tired. Wednesday I woke up with cramps and serious back pain, and I noticed I hadn't felt little man move much. So I freaked. I couldn't sleep. When I got to work, my mom urged me to call my OB, so I did, and they sent me to Labor and Delivery to get monitored. Everything looks great, he's just a lazy, lazy little guy. Hopefully he's as sleepy on the outside as he is on the inside!

11 more weeks.... 11 more weeks...

Thanks for letting me catch you up!


  1. looking SO good! not at all huge mama!
    cant wait to follow more via the blog world!

  2. It looks like so many exciting things are going on for you right now. New house, new marriage, new baby... Congrats on it all!

    And just letting you know, I'm stopping by from weddingbee.
